Sunday, August 28, 2011

My Boys... My Life...My Angels

(Ralph Sealtiel, Rafael, Ralph Uriel and Ralph Gabriel)

You complete me...Love you all!


Saturday, August 20, 2011


The next time you complain about your job...

… think about having this young boy’s job. Suddenly you’ll realize that your job is the greatest thing in the world by comparison.

Every now and then my husband would have a gripe about his job (mostly his ex-boss). As soon as I would say to him “At least you have a job” it would sink in and he knew he was wrong to find fault with it. I would sometimes say that it’s better then having a job where you do the same thing over and over and over again, day in and day out, for mere pennies a day.

I wish I could go there, get this boy and bring him some place else to work. Surely working at the mall or McDonald’s (typical teen jobs) is a gazillion times better then what he is currently doing.
It’s so sad to see that people have to live this way.


My Baby Yuri is Pooping in the Potty!

If you're a parent that has ever gone through the potty training process, you can rejoice with me that my baby is now pooping on the potty! 
We have been sitting him on the potty almost everyday, but he wants to get down and refused to go. He finally pooped in the potty on Wednesday night! 
I was completely prepared for that to be a one time thing, but he has really taken off. 
About 30 minutes later he was showing interest in the potty and went again! 
I asked him if he had to go potty as soon as he woke up yesterday morning and he did.
The best part is that he was the one telling me he had to go 75% of the time.  
(I really hate posts without pictures, so here's a random shot of him)



I realize the phrase is a bit overused, but I can’t help but think how quickly time sure does fly. It seems like just yesterday I was holding this little guy in my arms and today he’s just a few inches shorter than me, walking off to his school service for his 2nd month on the 3rd grade. I have a feeling I’m going to blink and he’ll be driving off to high school.

Love you Gabriel!


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Posters/ Prints

These are some of the stuff I am very busy with... I find it very cute and fun to do. I'll hang the first one on our living room for sure! :)
Have a great week!


Monday, July 11, 2011


I Remember The Boy

Today I heard them play the song again
An old familiar strain from way back when
Every note and every line
It's always been a favorite song of mine
It used to haunt me so some years ago
Reminds me of a boy I used to know
And although the melody lives on
The memories and the boy are all but gone

And while the song still brings that certain glow

And the words still sing of love I know
It isn't quite the way it was before
I remember the boy
But I don't remember the feeling anymore

The promises we made seemed easier then

As if we knew our love would never end
But seasons change and time erases the tears
As quickly as the rivers disappear

So while the song still brings that certain glow

And the words still sing of love I know
It isn't quite the way it was before
I remember the boy
But I don't remember the feeling
I remember the boy
But I don't remember the feeling anymore


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Contemporary Chair

Sofa with Chaise and Ottoman

Corsica Chair

I am so inlove with these fabulous furniture!


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Rainy Sunday...

Love to eat fried eggplant, fried eggs and fried dried fish!



Just having fun with my newly discovered website Face in Hole.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011


My sons Gabriel, Sealtiel and Uriel...

My work as a freelance provider...

And a good friend who cares for me and my family... 

Thank you very much!


Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Wonderful Day

Sealtiel really loves the Dino's horn!

Such funny grins!

my family...

Man-made lake...

he loves to take a nap too...

giant books...

Yuri, Rael, Dwayne, Gelo and Geib

@ the Dino Lake

with Dennis and Dwayne

my husband Rafael

April 29, 2011- 
Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife 
and Circle Of Fun


Sunday, April 24, 2011


You are so...
S- weet,
E-xtraordinary and we are
L-ucky to have you!
